Home/June 2015

Planning for Your Facelift with Dr. Herte

There’s no exact formula to stop aging from happening. However, facelift surgery here at our Las Vegas facial rejuvenation practice can significantly reduce the signs associated with aging — from sagging facial skin to loose underlying muscles and can help soften deep wrinkles and creases. Understanding its Basic Components Before making the decision to have a facelift, it pays to […]

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4 Ways an Eyelid Lift Can Help Improve Your Looks

The eyes, they say, are the windows to your soul. However, when your eyes and the area surrounding it is riddled with lines, wrinkles and unsightly bags, there’s a huge chance that your entire look can suffer! The worst thing that could happen is you will most likely be perceived as perpetually worried and tired by the people you just […]

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Quick Guide to Reducing Bruising

Most cosmetic treatments, whether it is a surgical procedure or injections of Botox, will have some bruising as a side effect. But there are ways to help shorten the duration of bruising during recovery from either surgical or non-invasive cosmetic treatments. Why bruising occurs When an incision or injection is made, much more is going on than you can see […]

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