
Choosing the Right Breast Implant Size

If you’ve been thinking of improving the size and shape of your breasts, a breast augmentation at our Las Vegas cosmetic surgery practice could be the answer. Making the decision to have an augmentation involves thorough preparation on your end and a consideration of several factors including the all-important size question, as well as incision location, and implant type. These […]

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Which Injectables Really Work Against Crow’s Feet?

Aging, genetics, and lifestyle are some of the factors that significantly affect the appearance of crow’s feet — those lines and wrinkles that develop at the outer corners of your eyes. When doing battle with the universally despised crow’s feet, the question is which injectables are the most effective. Why crow’s feet develop Crow’s feet are the result of a […]

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Four Ways an Eyelid Lift Can Improve Your Life

It has been said that the eyes are the windows to your soul. However, when your eyes and the area surrounding them are riddled with lines, wrinkles, and unsightly bags, you can appear to be a much older soul than you wish! An eyelid lift performed by Dr. Mary Herte is geared towards men and women who wish to rejuvenate […]

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How to Obtain the Best Possible Results from Liposuction

Liposuction has certainly come a long way since it was first seriously studied as a body contouring procedure in the late 1960s. Various techniques have been introduced for the past four decades resulting to continuous advancements and variations of the procedure — from use of local anesthesia to  shorter recovery periods. In addition, it is now possible to use fat […]

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4 Steps to Finding the Best Facelift Surgeon

If you type best facelift surgeon in Google, there’s a huge chance you’ll come up with claims from doctors ranging from dentists to plastic surgeons all over the country that they are the best in performing the procedure. However, knowledge on separating fact from fluff will actually make it easier for you to figure out who really is the best […]

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How to Maximize Your Plastic Surgery Consultation

Often, men and women who are interested in having plastic surgery will look for information online and scour Internet forums, social media, and other sites that offer information regarding the procedure of their choice. Although there are some websites that provide reliable information, a majority of the information online cannot be trusted and may be misleading at times. Here at […]

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Torn Between Liposuction and Tummy Tuck: Which is Best For You?

A flat, firm, and well-toned midsection is one of the most common cosmetic goals of men and women who come in for an initial consultation here at our Las Vegas body contouring surgery practice. Every so often, these patients will ask which between a tummy tuck or liposuction is ideal for their abdominal contouring needs. If you currently find yourself […]

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Can Silicone Implants Hamper Breastfeeding?

Silicone implants in breast enhancement surgery have been around since 1992 (but they were first introduced in 1962)  for breast augmentation revision and breast reconstruction. In 2006, it was later approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in breast reconstruction for women of all ages and breast enhancement surgeries for women who are 22 years old and above. (The […]

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Why Rapid Weight Loss May Not Be Good For You

The desire to lose weight is probably one of the things that men and women all around the world have in common. Although there’s nothing wrong with such a goal, a quick and sudden drop in body weight could actually prove to have a negative impact on one’s health and well-being. Not as Simple as “Calories In, Calories Out” Most […]

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The Need to Shun the Sun After Plastic Surgery

Avoiding sun exposure as much as you possibly can is one of the most important post-surgery instructions that we always emphasize here at our Las Vegas cosmetic surgery practice. While the specifics of recovery instructions will vary from one patient to another, below is a bird’s eye view on the whys and hows of avoiding sun exposure following plastic surgery. […]

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