Radiesse Versus Your Smile Lines
Collagen in our skin decreases continually and increasingly every year after we turn 20. Whatever triggers this decrease in production isn’t understood, but it sure leaves us all with sagging, loose skin as we age. To combat the collagen shortage, Dr. Herte offers Radiesse, a synthetic filler that triggers the body to produce new collagen. If you’re here on Dr. […]
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The Subtle Mini-Facelift
At our Las Vegas office, the mini-facelift is one of our most popular procedures. As an alternative to a full facelift, which requires a fairly involved recovery process, a mini-facelift is less invasive and has an easier, quicker recovery. The skill of Dr. Herte is what can make this procedure a great option for you. What are the pluses and […]
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The Difference Between Fillers and Neuromodulators
Some people are confused by the various options available for addressing facial wrinkles and volume loss. They hear the term dermal filler and assume that also includes Botox and Xeomin. But while all of these options are injectables, there’s a world of difference between fillers and neuromodulators. Since we offer various options for both types of these injectables, here’s some information […]
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TCA Peels
Everyone wants young looking, rejuvenated skin. Even Ponce de Leon was searching for that in the swamps of Florida! And to think, all he really would have needed was a trichloroacetic (TCA) acid chemical peel from Dr. Herte. We use TCA peels to address pigmentation issues and rough skin texture. Peeling your way to better skin It’s easy to think […]
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Juvéderm® Has Different Fillers to Fit Different Needs
Volume loss is one of the most visible signs of aging. Often when looking at an older person, it appears almost as if the person’s skin is a size too big. The problem is volume loss along with skin that has lost much of its elasticity as time has passed. Volume loss is mainly a factor of decreasing collagen. Collagen […]
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ResurFX® Laser Resurfacing
Lasers and skin rejuvenation are nothing new. In fact, Dr. Herte has been doing fractional laser resurfacing since it was first approved by the FDA. But now we offer the latest technology with the Lumenis M22 ResurFX® laser resurfacing. It is great for all skin types and is safe enough to use on the neck and chest, as well as the […]
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CoolSculpting® Is So Chill
If you think about it with food, it makes sense — fat becomes a solid and freezes at a higher temperature than tissue. Think about those Thanksgiving leftovers. You may eat your turkey sandwich cold, but if you do you surely cut off the congealed fatty areas first. That’s the idea behind CoolSculpting®. It was discovered that fat cells froze […]
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Bat Wings are for Night Flyers, Not You
In Las Vegas, we have no shortage of warm days that call for a sleeveless blouse or dress. But as we get older our upper arms areas aren’t on board with this fashion choice. The skin and muscle on the underside of the arms when we lift and move our arms can swing and flap. You may have heard of […]
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Cosmetic Surgeon and Plastic Surgeon are NOT the Same
This may be touted as the Information Age, but there is no shortage of misinformation to go with it. From websites circulating false news stories to politicians spouting outright lies as if they were truth, sometimes it’s hard to know what’s real and what’s fake. Misinformation is even a problem in the aesthetic world, where patients are having surgery done […]
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Don’t Forget Your Neck
People often fixate on their faces when they consider possible ways to combat the march of time. They see their crow’s feet and the lines on their foreheads, the smile lines and sagging cheeks. And they’ll opt to have a brow lift, a mid-face lift, possibly some filler injections. But they forget about what’s happening under their chin and on […]
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