Turning Back the Clock with a Facelift
Our bodies age everywhere, but nowhere reminds us as much every morning as our faces. Decreasing collagen and volume loss combine with sun damage and skin that isn’t as supple as it once was to sag, crease, and create hollows that really make us look older. And we see it every morning looking right back at us. A facelift with […]
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When Enough is Enough — Breast Reduction
With the number of breast augmentation procedures increasing every year, it may seem odd that a woman would opt to have her breast size decreased. But the truth is overly large breasts can become a burden, both physically and emotionally. In these cases, Dr. Herte performs breast reduction surgery to make the breasts smaller, more uplifted, and more proportionate with […]
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You’ve Lost the Weight, Now Lose the Sag
Losing weight is hard work. Losing a dramatic amount of weight requires serious life changes, whether you do it on your own or through bariatric surgery. But once you’ve done the hard work and are a shadow of your former self, what’s with all the hanging loose skin across your body? You have a new contour, but your skin didn’t […]
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These Gummy Bears Aren’t Candy
If you’ve been considering having breast augmentation, you know you have many decisions to make beyond just the overall procedure. Of course, you’ll need to choose the type of implants you want. In the past you’ve had two choices, saline or silicone. But in 2012 a new type of implant entered your realm of options — the gummy bear implant. […]
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Peeling Your Way to Better Skin
Chemical peels have been around as long as women have paid attention to the condition of their skin. Cleopatra could be the first true proponent, as she used the lactic acid from milk as a mild peel on her facial skin. At the Herte Center, we use TCA (trichloracetic acid) peels to freshen the complexions of our patients, addressing texture […]
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Get to Know the Cool that is CoolSculpting®
Since we’ve recently added CoolSculpting® to our procedures offered at the Herte Center you may be interested in some more information about this revolutionary fat freezing procedure. Most people have heard about CoolSculpting®, but there is some mystery about how the whole process is done. Here’s some background on the science behind the procedure and how CoolSculpting® came to be. […]
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Sculptra — Long Live the Filler
Some things last a long time. Others not so much. This is true of dermal fillers. Some last just a few months before the body absorbs them. But one lasts up to two years, which, in Las Vegas is longer than some marriages! This filler is Sculptra®Aesthetic and Dr. Herte loves it for areas of the face that have lost […]
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Taking Care of Your Brand New Nose
Whether your nose surgery was for cosmetic or functional reasons, the goal is to recover as soon as possible without complications. Dr. Herte knows that a successful recovery is a critical component of your overall rhinoplasty experience. Your initial recovery will take two weeks or more, although you will have some residual swelling for a few weeks. Here are some […]
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CoolSculpting©: Freeze Your Fat Away
Introducing Revolutionary CoolSculpting©! Everyone has an area of excess fat that makes you uncomfortable with your figure… But not everyone has the time or commitment for surgical fat reduction (liposuction or body sculpting surgery). Our practice is now offering CoolSculpting© to expand our wide spectrum of procedures for body sculpting. This totally non-surgical procedure uses a suction apparatus to pull […]
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When a Mini Facelift Fits Your Needs
Everyone wants to have the least invasive procedures that accomplish their goals. The question involved is whether the least invasive option can do enough. In the case of a mini facelift, this is the question the patient needs to ask herself. A mini facelift is one of our most requested rejuvenation procedures at Dr. Herte’s practice. It’s an excellent remedy […]
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