
Pros and Cons of CO2 Laser Resurfacing

Since we live in a place where the sun shines brightly most days of the year, it’s hard not to expose your skin to damaging UV rays. Also, repeated facial expressions and general aging can leave your skin weathered, wrinkled, and dull. For over 20 years, Dr. Herte has been using CO2 laser resurfacing to rejuvenate the skin of her […]

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Decisions, Decisions, Decisions About Your Augmentation

For a woman, the breasts can be a key part of self-confidence. Breasts that are too small or uneven provide an unending source of dissatisfaction when getting dressed every morning and undressed every night. Every woman deserves to love her body, and breast augmentation with Dr. Herte could provide the boost you need. But once you make the decision to […]

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Breastfeeding Left You With Sagging Breasts?

A woman’s body goes through many changes during pregnancy and following childbirth. The roller coaster ride of hormone fluctuation is bad enough, but being left with saggy breasts that look nothing like your pre-pregnancy breasts can be mentally and emotionally difficult, too. The weight gain and loss, coupled with the effects of breastfeeding, can leave a woman with sagging breasts […]

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Turn Back the Clock with ResurFX® Laser Resurfacing

If we all knew then what we know now… When it comes to sun exposure, collectively we probably would have had a lot less of it. No baby oil. No sunburns where sheets of skin peeled off. No striving to get the darkest tan of all our friends. But short of a time machine, we now have to deal with […]

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You Ask, We Answer: The Facelift Edition

Facial aging can manifest itself in various ways — from sagging jowls to hollowed cheeks in the lower third of the face. If there’s one cosmetic surgery that can address these issues, it’s the facelift. At Dr. Herte’s practice, men and women alike seek her expertise in facial rejuvenation surgery to help them restore their face’s natural youthfulness. During personal consultations, […]

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2014 — The Year of Over 20 Million Cosmetic Procedures

Last year turned out to be another banner year for the ever-expanding aesthetic world. In fact, if you want some perspective, imagine every person in Australia “having something done”. That’s right, over 20 million procedures were performed according to the 2014 statistics put out earlier this summer by the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS). Maybe that’s why Time Magazine […]

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Seven Plastic Surgery Myths Debunked

There are myths. There are urban legends. There are mistaken rumors. Whatever you call them, they’re false. Plastic surgery has its own fair share. Even the term “plastic” in plastic surgery is misunderstood. People think plastic is meant to be fake, akin to the material plastic. But in reality, the word plastic in plastic surgery comes from the Greek work meaning […]

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Get Back Your Active Life with a Breast Reduction

Large breast issues For many women who have excessively large breasts, having to miss out on different physical activities is a normal part of life. Most types of physical exercise such as swimming, running, and aerobics are impossible with overly large breasts. Having excessively large breasts can also cause back and neck pain because of overly large breasts are heavy. […]

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Deciding on Breast Implant Placement: Over or Under the Muscle?

The decision to have breast augmentation doesn’t end after weighing the pros and cons of surgery. You need to make various important decisions involving the procedure including implant type and size, the location of the incision, and implant placement. These choices will be discussed and weighed during your face-to-face consultation with Dr. Herte, taking into account factors such as your […]

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The 411 on Plastic Surgery Recovery

Plastic surgery has certainly come a long way since the first documented breast enhancement surgery in 1895. Recent statistics by the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery reveal that more than 10 billion cosmetic procedures, both surgical and non-surgical, were performed in 2014. Also, the number of men who are seeking cosmetic procedures has skyrocketed — a 45 percent increase […]

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