Seven Plastic Surgery Myths Debunked
There are myths. There are urban legends. There are mistaken rumors. Whatever you call them, they’re false. Plastic surgery has its own fair share. Even the term “plastic” in plastic surgery is misunderstood. People think plastic is meant to be fake, akin to the material plastic. But in reality, the word plastic in plastic surgery comes from the Greek work meaning […]
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Get Back Your Active Life with a Breast Reduction
Large breast issues For many women who have excessively large breasts, having to miss out on different physical activities is a normal part of life. Most types of physical exercise such as swimming, running, and aerobics are impossible with overly large breasts. Having excessively large breasts can also cause back and neck pain because of overly large breasts are heavy. […]
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Deciding on Breast Implant Placement: Over or Under the Muscle?
The decision to have breast augmentation doesn’t end after weighing the pros and cons of surgery. You need to make various important decisions involving the procedure including implant type and size, the location of the incision, and implant placement. These choices will be discussed and weighed during your face-to-face consultation with Dr. Herte, taking into account factors such as your […]
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The 411 on Plastic Surgery Recovery
Plastic surgery has certainly come a long way since the first documented breast enhancement surgery in 1895. Recent statistics by the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery reveal that more than 10 billion cosmetic procedures, both surgical and non-surgical, were performed in 2014. Also, the number of men who are seeking cosmetic procedures has skyrocketed — a 45 percent increase […]
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Understanding the Effects of Stress to Skin Health
While stress in small amounts is good for you (exercise, deadlines, etc), chronic exposure to stress is considered to be one of the biggest factors that lead to poor overall health including skin health. Stress is a combination of biological and psychological responses by your body every time it detects a stressor or threat. Stress can be triggered by various situations such as personal […]
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A No-Nonsense Guide to Maintaining Liposuction Outcomes
As the most frequently performed cosmetic surgical procedure in the country, liposuction techniques and technology are continuously developed and introduced. While technologies behind liposuction vary, the underlying principle of the procedure remains the same — eliminate unwanted pockets of fat. Liposuction or any body contouring procedure is no guarantee against future weight gain. In other words, anyone considering liposuction should […]
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What to Consider to Get the Right Breast Implant Size
If you’ve been thinking of improving the size and shape of your breasts for a while now, a breast augmentation surgery here at our Las Vegas cosmetic surgery practice should be in order. However, making the decision to have the procedure involves thorough preparation on your end and a consideration of several elements such as implant type, incision type, and […]
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How Long Does It Take to Be Bikini-Ready After a Tummy Tuck?
A tummy tuck, medically known as abdominoplasty, is one of the most popular body-contouring procedures in the country today. Why is it so popular? A tummy tuck provides a solution to what many women, particularly those who have had children, are having a difficult time dealing with — loose abdominal skin, weakened abdominal muscles, and unsightly stretch marks. The exact […]
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What to Look For in a Plastic Surgeon
Whether it’s a facelift, tummy tuck or breast augmentation, surgery by an experienced plastic surgeon will help achieve your desired outcome — a youthful, refreshed, or slimmer look! The skills, experience, and aesthetic sensibility of your surgeon all play a crucial role in achieving the most beautiful and natural-looking results with plastic surgery. When looking for a plastic surgeon, the following factors are worth investigating: […]
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Scarring After Surgery
As with any surgery, scarring is inevitable following plastic surgery. The extent of scarring varies from one patient to another and is influenced by several factors: the person’s general health, age, skin elasticity, and surgical technique. It is the job of a plastic surgeon to minimize the scarring as much as possible through skilled incision closure techniques and good scar […]
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