How Many CC’s Are in a Breast Cup Size?
While many women are familiar with bra cup sizing, some may be unaware that breast implants do not correspond to cup size and are measured in cubic centimeters, or cc’s. When pursuing breast augmentation surgery, patients typically refer to their desired results by cup size, such as a C or D cup. While that information may be a start to […]
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Textured Implant Recall By Allergan
Hi All: Just a few notes to update everyone on the textured implant recall instituted by Allergan this past week: All unused Allergan Textured implants (Biocell saline filled or silicone gel filled) still “on the shelf” have been recalled by Allergan as of July 24, 2019. This is of course due to FDA concerns about the small risk of BIA-ALCL […]
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These Gummy Bears Aren’t Candy
If you’ve been considering having breast augmentation, you know you have many decisions to make beyond just the overall procedure. Of course, you’ll need to choose the type of implants you want. In the past you’ve had two choices, saline or silicone. But in 2012 a new type of implant entered your realm of options — the gummy bear implant. […]
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Deciding on Breast Implant Placement: Over or Under the Muscle?
The decision to have breast augmentation doesn’t end after weighing the pros and cons of surgery. You need to make various important decisions involving the procedure including implant type and size, the location of the incision, and implant placement. These choices will be discussed and weighed during your face-to-face consultation with Dr. Herte, taking into account factors such as your […]
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What to Consider to Get the Right Breast Implant Size
If you’ve been thinking of improving the size and shape of your breasts for a while now, a breast augmentation surgery here at our Las Vegas cosmetic surgery practice should be in order. However, making the decision to have the procedure involves thorough preparation on your end and a consideration of several elements such as implant type, incision type, and […]
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What You Need to Know About Breast Implant Ruptures
Breast implants, regardless of the type, have a life expectancy. They are a man-made product and will eventually need to be replaced. A good plastic surgeon will make it a point to inform you of the possible risks and expectations when considering a procedure. Since breast augmentation is one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries, here we will address one […]
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Can Silicone Implants Hamper Breastfeeding?
Silicone implants in breast enhancement surgery have been around since 1992 (but they were first introduced in 1962) for breast augmentation revision and breast reconstruction. In 2006, it was later approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in breast reconstruction for women of all ages and breast enhancement surgeries for women who are 22 years old and above. (The […]
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Do it for the Girls!
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. I just got my reminder notice from West Valley Imaging to schedule my annual mammogram and I thought it would be really good timing (October!) to write about how important mammograms are to breast cancer early detection. While our practice does not provide primary care or treat breast cancer, we feel it is very […]
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