Ozempic®, GLP-1 Medications, and Body Sculpting
Your weight loss with GLP-1 medications like Ozempic® (*see below for a list of some similar drugs) can be very successful in achieving your goal weight but leave you with major facial and body changes that you may not be happy with. We find that patients in the process of weight loss who are feeling unhappy with resistant fatty bulges […]
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The Subtle Mini-Facelift
At our Las Vegas office, the mini-facelift is one of our most popular procedures. As an alternative to a full facelift, which requires a fairly involved recovery process, a mini-facelift is less invasive and has an easier, quicker recovery. The skill of Dr. Herte is what can make this procedure a great option for you. What are the pluses and […]
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The Popular Mini Facelift
A full facelift is a very invasive procedure that creates some extensive swelling and bruising. The recovery is involved. In contrast, for a mini facelift Dr. Herte uses shorter incisions and manipulates underlying tissue to a lesser degree. This makes for less tissue trauma and bruising, and an easier recovery. A mini facelift also gives the patient a refreshed look […]
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Turning Back the Clock with a Facelift
Our bodies age everywhere, but nowhere reminds us as much every morning as our faces. Decreasing collagen and volume loss combine with sun damage and skin that isn’t as supple as it once was to sag, crease, and create hollows that really make us look older. And we see it every morning looking right back at us. A facelift with […]
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When a Mini Facelift Fits Your Needs
Everyone wants to have the least invasive procedures that accomplish their goals. The question involved is whether the least invasive option can do enough. In the case of a mini facelift, this is the question the patient needs to ask herself. A mini facelift is one of our most requested rejuvenation procedures at Dr. Herte’s practice. It’s an excellent remedy […]
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The Liquid Facelift
Ponce de Leon. That Nazi sympathizer in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. Joan Rivers. Throughout time, everyone’s been looking for an answer to the march of time and its inevitable wrinkles, creases, saggy skin, and other signs. Today’s injectables are as close as anyone has come. Yes, injectables can fill wrinkles and creases, stop the muscles that form wrinkles […]
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You Ask, We Answer: The Facelift Edition
Facial aging can manifest itself in various ways — from sagging jowls to hollowed cheeks in the lower third of the face. If there’s one cosmetic surgery that can address these issues, it’s the facelift. At Dr. Herte’s practice, men and women alike seek her expertise in facial rejuvenation surgery to help them restore their face’s natural youthfulness. During personal consultations, […]
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Planning for Your Facelift with Dr. Herte
There’s no exact formula to stop aging from happening. However, facelift surgery here at our Las Vegas facial rejuvenation practice can significantly reduce the signs associated with aging — from sagging facial skin to loose underlying muscles and can help soften deep wrinkles and creases. Understanding its Basic Components Before making the decision to have a facelift, it pays to […]
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4 Steps to Finding the Best Facelift Surgeon
If you type best facelift surgeon in Google, there’s a huge chance you’ll come up with claims from doctors ranging from dentists to plastic surgeons all over the country that they are the best in performing the procedure. However, knowledge on separating fact from fluff will actually make it easier for you to figure out who really is the best […]
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Maintenance is defined as the support or upkeep of your property. Related words are preservation or protection. Your beauty and youth need to be protected and preserved. It would be great if a single face lift after years of sun exposure, casual or in-attentive skin care and beauty regimens would turn back the clock and halt the aging process. Unfortunately, […]
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