ResurFX® Laser Resurfacing
Lasers and skin rejuvenation are nothing new. In fact, Dr. Herte has been doing fractional laser resurfacing since it was first approved by the FDA. But now we offer the latest technology with the Lumenis M22 ResurFX® laser resurfacing. It is great for all skin types and is safe enough to use on the neck and chest, as well as the […]
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CO2 Laser Resurfacing — the Gold Standard
Years in the Nevada sun and what do you have? Sun damaged, weathered, wrinkled, dull skin. There are various treatments to address your damaged skin, but the gold standard in skin rejuvenation is the CO2 laser. Dr. Herte has been taking decades off her patients’ skin with the CO2 laser for over 20 years. But as with most things in […]
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