General Practices for Recovering from Plastic Surgery in Las Vegas
When you are considering a cosmetic procedure that requires surgery, it is just as important to think about the recovery period as it is the results. Recovering from surgery means having to take time off work or your normal day-to-day activities, possibly having someone help you with cooking and housework while recovering, as well as getting your mind and body […]
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Get Your “Beauty Rest”!
There’s a reason they call it “beauty rest” ! A new study by researchers at University Hospitals Case Medical Center has found a link between lack of sleep and poor skin quality. Beauty giant, Estée Lauder sponsored the recent study which was presented at a dermatology meeting, this spring, in Edinburgh, Scotland. Link Discovered Researchers evaluated the skin of the […]
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Plastic Surgery: Can a Lift Give You a Lift?
Aesthetic plastic surgery is a unique field of medicine. Patients search out options and choose to have surgery, AND pay out of pocket. The goal is to not only help you look better, but to feel better. With an 87% patient approval rating with 97% recommending others and 93% coming back for more, patients are obviously pleased with their experiences […]
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Maintenance is defined as the support or upkeep of your property. Related words are preservation or protection. Your beauty and youth need to be protected and preserved. It would be great if a single face lift after years of sun exposure, casual or in-attentive skin care and beauty regimens would turn back the clock and halt the aging process. Unfortunately, […]
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USA TODAY: “Lack of Training can be Deadly in Cosmetic Surgery”
This past week a series of articles in USA Today outlined some of the perils of chasing cheap and fast cosmetic surgery. The trend for “non-plastic surgeons” to add cosmetic procedures to their practice is rampant and the lack of training can be dangerous for the incautious patient. USA Today points out instances in which it was fatal. I have […]
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Beauty and Attractiveness Enhance Hiring Likelihood
It is fascinating to see all of the studies that show that personal attractiveness is a positive factor for job-seekers. The more attractive the job candidate, the more positive attributes he or she is thought to have. This is particularly timely in today’s tough economic environment, where every edge is important in competing against a large group of job candidates […]
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Dr. H Debuts Her Blog!
Welcome to my new blog and our new updated website! One of the really wonderful things about being a plastic surgeon with a Las Vegas practice, that is people-oriented (like mine), is that I get the opportunity to get to know my patients and chat about a variety of topics that I have thought about or common questions that cause […]
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